Keep in touch by sending photos to our class twitter page:

Also don't forget to follow the school twitter page:


Microsoft Teams

Cantebury Class will be using Microsoft Teams. Please read the documents below.


Information Letter

Microsoft Teams Policy

Teams Internet Safety Poster


Open Classroom

Please click on the link below to view the PowerPoint slides which will give you a variety of important information as your child moves into Year 3.

Open Classroom Information 2024


Autumn Term 2024

 Amazing Americas!

Welcome back Year 3. I hope you all had a super summer break.

The Autumn Term topic in Year 3 is Amazing Americas, covering an exciting mix of geographical and science skills. First of all, we look at the continents of North and South America, investigating key geographical features as well as physical and human characteristics.   In the second half of the term, we will investigate volcanoes and earthquakes within the same regions to find out how they are made and where they are located. 

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read this term’s Curriculum Letter.

Curriculum Letter



Summer Term 2024

Its All Greek To Me!

Ancient Civilisations

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 Our new topic for the summer term is all about the Ancient Greeks. This fun and engaging topic all about Ancient Greece, will take the class back to one of the most fascinating civilisations in history as you explore ancient Greece and its many wonders. Through a series of lessons, we will discover the impact this civilisation has on the western world and the significent achievments they made. . For more details about the curriculum coverage for the summer, please click on the curriculum letter link below.

Curriculum Letter - Summer 2024

Spring Term 2024


Pre-Historic Britain


 This term, we will be travelling back in time as we study an era of Britain's past in our our new history topic.  

This term's topic is ‘Pre-Historic Britain’. The class will journey through a million years of prehistory and explore the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, considering the question, 'Nothing really changed from the Stone Age to Iron Age, did it?' As well as understanding the chronology of this fascinating time, children will learn about the food, homes, society and art and how each of these areas developed and changed over time and how amazing developments occurred from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. 

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read the spring term Curriculum Letter. 

Curriculm Letter - Prehistoric Britain

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Autumn Term 2023

 Amazing Americas!

                                          1 2

Welcome back Year 3. I hope you all had a super summer break.

The Autumn Term topic in Year 3 is Amazing Americas, covering an exciting mix of geographical, historical and science skills. First of all, we look at the continents of North and South America, investigating key geographical features as well as physical and human characteristics.  Next, the class will take a trek into the depths of the rainforest where they will discover where the rainforests are located, what they are like, who lives in there, including animals, plants and indigenous peoples. In the second half of the term, we will investigate volcanoes and earthquakes within the same regions to find out how they are made and where they are located.  Finally, the children will uncover the mysteries of the Maya. They will start by taking a trip deep into the rainforests of Central America to explore Mayan ruins and from there, embark on a journey that will help them uncover the life, society and civilisation of both ancient and modern Mayan people. 

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read this term’s Curriculum Letter.

Curriculum Letter

Summer Term 2022

Its All Greek To Me!

Ancient Civilisations

1 2 3

 Our new topic for the summer term is all about the Ancient Greeks. This fun and engaging topic all about Ancient Greece, will take the class back to one of the most fascinating civilisations in history as you explore ancient Greece and its many wonders. Through a series of lessons, we will discover the impact this civilisation has on the western world and the significent achievments they made. . For more details about the curriculum coverage for the summer, please click on the curriculum letter link below.

Summer 2023 Curriculum Letter


Spring Term 2023


Pre-Historic Britain


 This term, we will be travelling back in time as we study an era of Britain's past in our our new history topic.  

This term's topic is ‘Pre-Historic Britain’. The class will journey through a million years of prehistory and explore the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, considering the question, 'Nothing really changed from the Stone Age to Iron Age, did it?' As well as understanding the chronology of this fascinating time, children will learn about the food, homes, society and art and how each of these areas developed and changed over time and how amazing developments occurred from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. 

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read the spring term Curriculum Letter. 

Curriculm Letter - Prehistoric Britain

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Autumn Term 2022

 Amazing Americas!

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Welcome back Year 3. I hope you all had a super summer break.

The autumn term topic is Amazing Americas! In the first half of the term, the class will take a trek into the depths of the rainforest where they will  discover where the rainforests are located, what they are like, who lives in rainforests, including animals, plants and indigenous peoples. In the second half of the term, the children will uncover the mysteries of the Maya.  They will start by taking a trip deep into the rainforests of Central America to explore Mayan ruins and from there, embark on a journey that will help them uncover the life, society and civilisation of both ancient and modern Mayan people.

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read this term’s Curriculum Letter.

Curriculum Letter

PSHE - October 2022

As part of our Being Me in My World Unit, the children have been thinking about their rights and responsibilities.  They have made a card for a new pupil to welcome them into our school, explaining how our school works and what we do to allow everyone to feel safe and to learn.  They worked as part of a team together.

 English October 2022

We have loved writing our own version of The Great Kapok Tree, here is our class sentence stack and plot points.  We worked really hard writing our own story set in the Daintree Rainforest, we can't wait for you to read them.  


P.E - October 2022

This term we have been focusing on invasion games, we had a great final competition using the skills of passing, receiving as well as moving around in a space.  Well done to winners, Waddington.

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Summer Term 2022

Its All Greek To Me!

Ancient Civilisations

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 Our new topic for the summer term is all about the Ancient Greeks. This fun and engaging topic all about Ancient Greece, will take the class back to one of the most fascinating civilisations in history as you explore ancient Greece and its many wonders. Through a series of lessons, the you will discover the people, the inventions, the art, the technology and the mythology of the ancient Greeks. For more details about the curriculum coverage for the summer, please click on the curriculum letter link below.

Curriculm Letter Summer 2022 

Spring Term 2022


Pre-Historic Britain

January 2022

 Happy New Year and welcome back Year 3. I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and that Santa brought you everything you wished for. This term, we will be travelling back in time as we study an era of Britain's past in our our new history topic.  

This term's topic is ‘Pre-Historic Britain’. The class will journey through a million years of prehistory and explore the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, discovering how humans first came to Britain. As well as understanding the chronology of this fascinating time, children will learn about the food, religion, homes, technology and art and how each of these areas developed and changed over time and how amazing developments occurred from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. 

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read the spring term Curriculum Letter. 

Salisbury Class Y3: Spring Term Curriculum Letter.

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February 2022 - Subject Revolution 


On Friday 4th February we had a Maths focus day, this was part of the NSPCC Number day.  We were so lucky have Subject Revolution(   in school to help us celebrate all things MATHEMATICAL!  They provided us with an exciting, modern, interactive and hands-on educational Mathematics experience for us all. 


In KS2 we had a day full of mathematical reasoning and problem solving that required us to work in teams and pass through each maths challenge zone, undetected by the invading Robotrons.  We had to find the codes that would bring down the Robotron's secret server room and save us all!


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January 2022 - Art  

Linked to the Spring Term topic of 'Pre-Historic Britain', the class have been learning about how early man used images to record everyday life and how archaeologists use these images to underdstand this era in history. The children had a go at experimenting with different materials to create their own cave art.

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Autumn Term 2021

 Amazing Americas!

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Welcome back Year 3. I hope you all had a super summer break.

The autumn term topic is Amazing Americas! In the first half of the term, the class will take a trek into the depths of the rainforest where they will  discover where the rainforests are located, what they are like, who lives in rainforests, including animals, plants and indigenous peoples. In the second half of the term, the children will uncover the mysteries of the Maya.  They will start by taking a trip deep into the rainforests of Central America to explore Mayan ruins and from there, embark on a journey that will help them uncover the life, society and civilisation of both ancient and modern Mayan people.

For more information about each subject area this term, please click on the link below to access and read this term’s Curriculum Letter.

Canterbury Y3 - Curriculum newsletter


November 2021 - Art

Working alongside the Y4 class, the children in Canterbury class have been learning the new art skill of batik and then creating rain forest animals prints using this new skill.

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