Welcome to Winchester Class

Pupil page

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Please follow our class twitter page to keep up with the latest updates for our class: https://twitter.com/LeasStAndrews2 

Also don't forget to follow the school twitter page: https://twitter.com/LeasStAndrews

 Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/leasinghamstandrews


Microsoft Teams

Winchester Class will be using Microsoft Teams. Please read the documents below.

Information Letter

Microsoft Teams Policy

Teams Internet Safety Poster


Autumn Term 2024

Marvellous Materials

 Welcome back Year 2!

I hope you've had a fantastic holiday and look forward to hearing about all of the exciting things that you've done.

Our topic this term is 'Marvellous Materials' which is a Science based topic. We'll be investigating the properties of a range of materials and discussing their suitability for making everyday objects. This knowledge will then be applied to our Design Technology work, where we'll be making Plop the Owl from the book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We'll also be using this book for some of our English work.

For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through our curriculum outline below.

Curriculum Outline Autumn Term 2024

Where possible we will share photographs of our activities or some of the work we've been doing.

For this term, our PE days will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday.


 Mrs S Walker


Summer Term 2024 - Bright Sparks

This term our topic is called 'Bright Sparks,' which is a History based topic. We will investigate how and when the Great Fire of London began, as well as finding out about primary and secondary sources of information. The second half of our topic will then focus on the scientist Sir Isaac Newton and the explorers Christopher Columbus and Amelia Earhart.

For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through the curriculum outiline below.

Curriculum Newsletter Summer Term 2024


Spring Term 2024 - Home and Away

Happy New Year Winchester Class! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. A warm welcome back to a new term and a new topic.

During the Sring Term, our topic is 'Home and Away', which is a Geography based topic. We'll be learning about aerial map views and using Google Maps to explore the key physical and human features of the City of Lincoln and exploring the characteristics of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We will then compare our findings with the African country of Kenya, identifying the similarilities and differences in the features compared to where we live.

For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through the curriculum outiline below.

Curriculum Newsletter Spring Term 2024


 Jigsaw PSHE 22.01.24

In our PSHE lesson last week, we chose to take on a challenge from the following selection:

  • Memorise the first verse of 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' poem
  • Count in 2s to 20 in French
  • Count to 10 in Mandarin Chinese
  • Learn the Macarena dance.

We worked in groups to come up with our 'steps to success', the things we would need to do to be able to succeed in our goal. We even practised our new skills over the weekend for homework. Today we performed our new skills with our groups. Mrs Walker was very impressed!



Autumn Term 2023 - Marvellous Materials

Welcome back Year 2! We hope you have had a wonderful holiday and look forward to hearing about all of the exciting things you've done.

Our topic this term is 'Marvellous Materials' - a Science based topic. We'll be investigating the properties of a range of materials and discussing their suitability for making everyday objects. This knowledge will then be applied to our Design Technology work, where we'll be making Plop the Owl from the book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. 

For more information about our learning journey this term, please read through the curriculum outline below.

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn Term 2023

Mrs Walker, Mrs Locke and Miss Watkins 

 September 2023 - Science

This afternoon, in our science lesson, we have been investigating everyday materials and their uses. We revised our knowledge of materials from Year 1, talking about the materials that we know and the investigations that we carried out last year. We then made a list of materials that we could find evidence of in the classroom and the cloakroom. The children were given a collection of pictures to group in any way they wanted, using post it notes to label how they have sorted the pictures.


Summer Term 2023 - Bright Sparks 

This term our topic work will have a History focus. We will investigate how and when the Great Fire of London began as well as finding out about primary and secondary sources of information. The second half of our topic will then focus on the scientist Sir Isaac Newton and the explorers Christopher Columbus and Amelia Earhart.


Curriculum Newsletter Summer Term 2023


Spring Term 2023 - Home and Away 

Curriculum Letter Spring 2023


Autumn Term 2022 - Superheroes


This afternoon the children have created ceramic plates inspired by picasso. They have created superhero faces on the plates. The children had lots of fun and as you can it took lots of concentration. 


Summer Term - Our Wonderful World

Curriculum Letter

April 2022 - English

In English Winchester Class wrote kind messages for their talking partner and then decorated a biscuit to give to them.


Four children from Winchester class took part in a tournament organised by Carre's Outreach. Some great team work from and proud of them for realising they needed to work as a team at football festival. They went on to score lots of goals and have a super afternoon.


Spring Term - Castles

Curriculum Letter

March 2022 - Castles Day

Winchester Class were lucky enought to have a Castles WOW day in school. We also dressed up and enjoyed medieval dancing, crafts and a great display from DanTastic Education.



February 2022 - Subject Revolution 

On Friday 4th February we had a Maths focus day, this was part of the NSPCC Number day.  We were so lucky have Subject Revolution(https://www.subjectrevolution.co.uk)   in school to help us celebrate all things MATHEMATICAL!  They provided us with an exciting, modern, interactive and hands-on educational Mathematics experience for us all. 

In KS1 we were helping Prince Lumino who had been left in charge of Mathania and he was in big trouble.  Lumino needed help.  We had to work in teams and travel around the amazing new world created in our hall. We worked together in practical maths challenges to save our hapless hero.  We had to mend, build, fish, repair, sort, stack and even throw our way to success through this hands-on maths adventure.  

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January 2022 - PE

This term, Year 2 have been lucky enough to have PE with Mrs Mawson from Carre's Outreach. We have been learning gymnastics skills and this week we had a go on the larger equipment. We thought about how to travel and land safely.



 Autumn Term - Traditional Tales

Welcome back Winchester Class! Our topic this term is Traditional Tales. To find out more about what we will be doing, click the link below:

Meet and Greet

Curriculum Letter

Phonics and Reading Letter


Welcome back!

Our PE days this term will be Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will need to come to school in PE kit on those days.

 December 2021 - DT

Christmas baubles! Year 2 had lots of fun with glitter to make these sparkly baubles.

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December 2021 - PSHE

 Year 2 have enjoyed their learning about ‘Celebrating Difference’ in their PSHE Jigsaw lessons this term. They have received certificates to celebrate what they have learned. They also thought about what they were personally proud of learning. Well done Year 2, we are so proud of your achievements this term.

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December 2021 - Design Technology

 Year 2 have enjoyed their DT enterprise project this term. They followed their designs carefully and make some beautiful stocking tree decorations! They were eager to take them home on Friday to proudly display on their trees at home. Well done Year 2!

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Novemeber 2021 - Design Technology

In DT Year 2 have learned about weaving and have created their own woven design. They thought about their materials, colours and method to make these lovely woven patterns.

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November 2021

 Year 2 have been working hard on their maths. They have used tens and ones to help with addition. They have done a fantastic job using the column method! Well done.

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October 2021 - R.E

Great discussion and practical learning in RE. They children have been learning about Islam and the importance of the 5 Pillars of Islam.

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October 2021 - Maths

Year 2 enjoyed using their learning to play a challenging maths game. Super addition in their heads or drawing dienes to help. Also some children did a great job keeping a tally of their points. 

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October 2021 - PSHE

Pictures of Year 2 working together to create posters about rewards, responsibilities and consequences in the classroom. The children did a super job sharing, turn taking and listening to each other in their groups.

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September 2021 - McMillan Coffee Morning

Year 2 thorouhly enjoyed a tasty cake and a drink in support of the Macmillan coffee morning. Thank you for your generous donations.

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September 2021 - Reading

 Year 2 have enjoyed taking home ‘shared reading books’ to enjoy with their families at home. They loved choosing their own books and getting excited for reading!


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September 2021 - PSHE

 Enjoying circle time, listening games with our new Jigsaw friend ‘Jo’ and ‘Jerrie’ the cat. 

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September 2021 - Reading

Year 2 were set the challenge to find an unusual place in the school to enjoy their love of reading. 


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September 2021 - Science

The class are learning about materials. The children are learning the names of different materials and able to label and group objects with material names. They will also be learning about the properties of materials.

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September 2021 - Art

In art, we are learning about primary and secondary colours. In addition, we have been looking at work my Kandinsky and Klee and then using these artists styles to inspire us to make our own repeating patterns.

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September 2021 - English

In English, the children have been introduced to Traditional Tales. In the first 2 weeks we have been reading a variety of stories and retelling the story of the Gingerbread Man. 

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September 2021 - PSHE

The children in Winchester class have been enjoying their Year 2 Jigsaw PSHE lessons with their new Jigsaw friend ‘Jo’. They have been working in groups to discuss responsibility. Great teamwork!

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