St Andrew’s Governors – Committed to Confidentiality

The following information on this page sets out information about the present Governing Body, including the names of members, the body by which they were appointed and the dates when their present terms of office come to an end. 

All Governors, excepting those who are ex-officio members of the Governing Body, are appointed for a period of 3 years.


Name Category Office Ends
Miss E Venn



Mr N Johnson Co-opted/Vice Chair 01/09/2024
Mrs L Khan Co-opted 29/01/2026
Vacant Co-opted  
Vacant Co-opted  
Mr S Zealand LEA  17/10/2026
Mr K Phillips Ex-officio/Chair  
Mrs A Simpson Foundation Governor 25/06/2026
Vacant Foundation Governor  
Mrs A Curt Staff Governor 01/01/2025
Vacant Parent Governor  
Mrs P Gennery Parent Governor 31/01/2026
Mr J Berry Parent Governor 10/02/2025
Mr M Baker
Mrs N Durrant  Clerk   



Governor Duties and Interests

Governor Subject Areas

Governor Attendance 2021/2022

Governor Attendance 2020/2021

Governor Attendance 2019/2020

Governor Attendance 2018/2019

Governor Resignations 

Report 9.3.2023
