Welcome to Southwell Class

Star Maths Link https://ukhosted106.renlearn.co.uk/6700595/ 

Microsoft Teams

Southwell Class will be using Microsoft Teams. Please read the documents below.

 Microsoft Teams Policy

Teams: Letter to Parents

Teams Internet Safety Poster

Meet and Greet PowerPoint 11th September 2024 

Egyptian Day


Year 6 students recently embarked on a journey back in time to Ancient Egypt, bringing the rich history and culture of this ancient civilisation to life. 


The atmosphere in the class was buzzing with enthusiasm. The day was brimming with a variety of engaging activities that allowed the students to experience, first-hand, the wonders of this fascinating civilisation.


One of the highlights of the day was the exploration of hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian writing system composed of intricate symbols and characters. The children had the opportunity to decode and write their own messages using these symbols.


Mummification, an iconic practice of the ancient Egyptians, was also on the agenda. In a playful twist, the students learnt how to mummify and gaining an insight into the intricate process of preserving the deceased for the afterlife.


The day was a great success, leaving students like Mark exclaiming, "It was a fantastic day!" Beyond the fun and excitement, Year 6's Egyptian Day provided a unique opportunity for these young minds to delve into history and culture, igniting their curiosity about the world's fascinating past. Wilfred summed it up perfectly, saying, "I enjoyed every hour of it especially the Egyptian board game Mancala."



 Welcome to Year 6 September 2024

We use our Year 6 class webpage to keep families informed with what's going on.  Please do take the time to check this for regular updates about our learning in class, as well as notes and important dates.  

Where possible, we will share photographs of our activities. We may even upload some images of our work so that you can see what we are enjoying.

For the first term, we will be doing swimming on a Monday afternoon and Outreach P.E. is on a Wednesday morning.

We have a variety of ways for you to contact me.  If you would like to get in touch, or find information, you could:

  • Drop a line:- write a note, or put your questions into your child’s planner (don’t forget to ask your child to remember to show it to me)
  • Telephone:- call me on 01529 302388 – best before/after school. 
  • Website:- check out the Year 6 class page on our website.
  • E-mail:- contact me at [email protected]
  • Face-to-face:– pop in to see me after school, on the gate. Or for a longer conversation, please book an appointment with the office staff.
  • Newsletter: check the school newsletter online or via email
  • Twitter: the school and our class have a Twitter account - search for @leasStAndrews @SouthwellClass
  • Teams:- homework will be shared on Teams on a Thursday.

The academic year 2024 - 2025 is a really important milestone for our pupils who are enjoying lots of exciting events.  This includes tasks and activities with us at Leasingham St Andrews, but also a key moment when they will be moving onto pastures new at their respective secondary schools.

I am very much looking forward to working with you and your children during their final year at primary school.

Thank you

Mrs.K Pledger

Autumn Term 2024



Welcome back, I hope you all had a restful summer and you are looking forward to a new academic year. For the Autumn Term, our history is focussed on Ancie Egypt. We will be specifically looking at the enquiry question ‘What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?’. The children will take the journey from The Creation Story through to the afterlife, while looking at a range of sources to be able to triangulate evidence to ultimately be able to ‘work like a historian’; and in particular, an ‘Egyptologist’. At the start of the term, we will have an experience day to find out how it felt when Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. We will look at what they wore and how they lived.

Summer Term Curriculm Newsletter -

Summer Term 2024

Marvellous Mountains!

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Welcome back Year 6 to the Summer Term and our topic Marvellous Mountains! This term, geography will be our main curriculum driver. We will be looking at mountains: different environments; how mountains are formed; key features of mountain  ranges. Additionally, will be learning where common, well-known mountain ranges are in the world, knowing the dimensions of the highest peaks in each continent. While further enhancing our knowledge of map reading.

For further information about our learning over the summer term, please click on the Curriculum Newsletter below.

Summer 2024 Curriculum Newsletter.


Spring Term 2024

This term, the children will be learning about the world at war. They will specifically be looking at WWII and how it impacted Britain. Additionally, through science, the children will be investigating light and its properties. Please visit this page throughout the term to find out what the children have been learning. Another platform to look out for is the school's Twitter feed.

Curriculum Newsletter 

January 2024 - Maths 

In year 6 we have been looking at scale factor and proportions. We used scale factor 6 and multiply fractions of ingredients so that we had enough cake mixture for everyone in our team. It was great fun and they tasted delicious 😊. 

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January 2024 - History

Mrs Coote kindly brough in her husband’s great uncle’s pilot helmet which he used in WW2. We had a lot of fun trying it on. We also looked Mrs Renolds grandad’s ration book and we were surprised how little food was available during the war, only 1 ration of bacon a week!  

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Autumn Term 2023

This term, the children in Southwell will delve into the world of Ancient Egypt. They will be learning about daily life and what the Egyptians believed along many many other things. Please continue to visit this page or the school's Twitter feed on the home screen to keep tabs on what the children have been learning.

Curriculum Newsletter 

In history, the children have been looking at the Egyptian Creation Story, Egyptian gods and mummification, while linking to the term's enquiry question: 'What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?'

 In science, the children have been learning about evolution. For example, they have looked at adaptation, natural selection, Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus and how fossils can support the theory of evolution.

 In art, the children have designed, created and evaluated a clay cartouche using hieroglyphs.

 In PE, the children have been using their prior knowledge of invasion games and applying it in our handball unit.