Welcome to Lincoln Class

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pupil page link

Keep up to date and in touch by looking at the school Twitter.


Our PE days this term will be TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS. Children will need to come to school in PE kit on those days.


Please click the links below to read important information about the year:


Microsoft Teams Letter 

Microsoft Teams Policy 

Microsoft Teams Poster 


Little Wandle - Phonics Scheme Parent Letter


Meet and Greet 2023


Summer Term 2024 - Our Wonderful World

Welcome back Lincoln Class! We hope you have had a lovely break. We are very excited for our new term of learning, please click the link below to see what we will be getting up to! 

Curriculum Newsletter 



In Art this term we have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. His artwork focuses on the use of natural materials to create sculptures. We collected loose materials from around the school grounds and had a go at creating our own. 



We have also started looking at the skill of sketching. We have used a variety of plants and flowers to complete our sketches and have worked hard on our use of our pencils to create different tones and shading techniques. 





This week in Maths we have been exploring fractions. We have been looking at finding halves and quarters of shapes. We really enjoyed using the magnetic fractions and even discovered some equivalents!


Spring Term 2024 - Castles


Welcome back everyone! We hope you all enjoyed your time at home and had a wonderful new year. Our topic this term is Castles. Please click the link below to see what we will be getting up to.


Curriculum Newsletter


In History this week, we have been learning about Coats of Arms. We found our that these were special symbols that represented your family. They were particularly useful when it battle to be able to identify your enemies! We had a go at creating our own Coats of Arms, thinking about the symbols and colours that represented our family.



We were very lucky today to have a visit from Archie and Laura from Young Farmers Harmston. They spoke to us about farming and where our food comes from. We also got to stroke some two week old lambs! We learnt a lot and really enjoyed our visit.

Safer Internet Day

Every year, as a school, we celebrate Safer Internet Day. This is a time where we think about technology and it's uses. We talk about how wonderful technology can be, but also the downfalls of technology. In Lincoln Class, we focussed on trusted adults. We watched Smartie the Penguin and found out about how he stayed safe online. We then were tasked with drawing our trusted adults at school and at home so if something goes wrong, we know who to ask.




This term, we have been exploring the work of the artist Paul Klee. We found out about tinting and toning and how this alters the colours we use. Our final task was to recreate his 'Castle in the Sun' painting.


Lincoln Class are very lucky this term to have Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach for our PE sessions. We are really enjoying our sessions.



In Art this term, our focus is on Paul Klee's Castle in the Sun painting. We have looked at his painting and all the different colours he used. We then found out how to tint colours to make them lighter.


Our Classroom

The children have been enjoying the new role play areas in our classroom. We can dress like knights and defend the castle!


Autumn Term 2023 - Traditional Tales


Please read the curriculum letter to find out what we will be learning this term.

Curriculum Letter


Welcome to Lincoln Class (Year 1) we hope that you had a wonderful summer!

We will keep this page updated with the exciting activites the children have been taking part in and showcase the wonderful learning journey the children are on.


Our focus this term is Traditional Tales. We have been looking at the story of the Three Little Pigs in Science and investigating waterproof materials. Our task was to find out which material would be the best for the pigs to use to make their roofs to protect them from a thunderstorm. We used tinfoil, plastic, tissue paper and sugar paper.























In Art this term we have been looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky with a focus on his piece 'Concentric Circles' we investigated how to use primary colours to make secondary and practised printing using circular objects. 

We then created our backgrounds using coloured squares of card. We made sure that we used bright colours and stuck them closely together. We created our own stamp by using a piece of string on card and cookie cutters to create our finished pieces. 

We then used PurpleMash to create our own digital versions of 'Concentric Circles'. We had great fun using the different tools, sizes and colours! 










We have ensured that we used continuos provision throughout the term help the children with the transition from the EYFS to KS1. We have concentrated on developing their fine motor skills, investigative skills and roleplay. 

 We have had such a busy term! 

We designed and made our own gingerbread people this term, we found the perfect recipe and the whole school smelt amazing whilst they were cooking! They tasted pretty yummy too! 


We have been working hard creating our winter themed decorations in DT ensuring that we have been using our technical skills.


In PE we have been focusing on balancing. We have practised balancing on our own, in pairs and in groups. We discovered that the more people in a group the more difficult some of the balances became. 


In science we have been focusing on humans and animals. We have learnt how to identify and label different parts of the body, organise and clarify different animal groups such as herbivores and carnivores. 


In maths, our focus has been counting on and back. Putting a number in our head and being able to count on to find the answers to addition stories and to count back to solve subtraction problems. We have used various resources to help us such as numicon, cubes, dienes and number lines. We have learnt the value of two-digit numbers up to 20. Knowing that in teen numbers we have one ten and a number of ones. 


We have ensured that where possible the children have taken part in continuous provision focusing on particular themes such as

- addition and subtraction within 20

- colour mixing

- problem solving 

- traditional tale activities 












Summer Term 2023 - Our Wonderful World


Curriculum Newsletter 

Please read the curriculum letter to find out what we will be learning this term.


In Art, we have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural materials in some of his art work. We tried to create our own versions in the school wild garden area. We used only 'fallen' material that we found on the ground as were following The Countryside Code of 'leave no trace', ensuring that we did not disturb the flowers and plants or any insects and wildlife. Here are a few photographs of the works created. 




In maths we have been doing numbers to 100 and have done a super job representing numbers using dienes.



We have enjoyed learning skills and games with Mr Wilson this term.



Spring Term 2023 - Castles

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. The teachers in Year One are very excited for our new term together. Our topic this term is 'Castles'. Please click the link below to see what we will be getting up to:

Curriculum Newsletter 


A visit from 'Ian the Poet'

On Thursday 23rd March we had a visit from Ian the Poet. We were lucky enough to be able to take part in a workshop with Ian learning all about poetry. Ian shared some fantastic poems that he had written and helped us to write our own. We worked in small groups and created our own poems using alliteration. Our poems were based around animals. 

At the end of the school day, Ian chose different parts from each group and collated them into one poem. We were able to share our poem with the rest of the school and we even had some actions to go with it. 


What a fantastic day! It inspired us to look at, read and write our own poetry for our homework. 




We enjoyed our first session with Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach this week. We started by learning different types of jumps.



This term in Art we are focussing on the artist of Paul Klee. We looked at some of his paintings and then talked about the skill of tinting. We then had a go at tinting different colours of paint.



Lincoln Class are very lucky this term to have Lincolnshire Music Service in our Music lessons. We really enjoyed our first session today!


Our Classroom

We have been very excited to see all the new areas in our classroom linked to our new topic of Castles. We even have some knights in our classroom!



Autumn Term 2022 - Traditional Tales

Welcome back! Team Year One hope you have all had a wonderful Summer. Our topic this term is 'Traditional Tales'. Please click the newsletter below to see what we will be learning;

Curriculum Newsletter

The Code Show



In Art this term, we have been exploring the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We found out about primary and secondary colours and then were tasked with making our own version of Kandinsky's Concentric Circles.


This term in Jigsaw, our theme has been 'Being Me in My World'. This week, we thought about feeling proud. The children were delighted when the teachers gave them their very own proud ticket. The ticket contained something that the children had said or done and it had made the teacher proud of them.


This week in Art we have been looking at colours. We found out the names of the three primary colours and then used these colours to make the secondary colours.



Lincoln Class are very lucky this term to have Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach for our PE. Our focus for this term is running.


Our RE focus this term is the religion of Christianity. To begin our learning, we shared the story of The Prodigal Son and thought about how this represented God as a loving and forgiving father. We used our cutting skills to create puppets to retell the story.


Our first day!

The children in Lincoln Class have impressed us so much on their first day, we are going to have a great year!



Summer Term - Our Wonderful World

Welcome back, I hope you all had an egg-siting Easter! We're back for our final term in Year 1 and our topic is 'Our Wonderful World'. Please click the newsletter below to see what we will be learning:

Curriculum Newsletter 

June 2022 - Sports Day

We were so impressed with all the children at Sports Day this year. They showed such determination and enthusiasm and suppported their friends so nicely. They made all of the adults very proud!


June 2022 - Science

In Science, we have been thinking about plants and animals. Our task this week was to consider how things were living, dead or never alive. We sorted pictures and had great discussions!



June 2022 - Computing

Over the last few weeks, we have been exploring Coding in Computing. We have thought about what this word means and have linked it back to our prior learning of Coding on Beebots. Each week, we have been challenged to create simple code on Purple Mash, each week upping the amount of instructions we can give. This week, we had 8 separate arrow keys and the numbers 1 - 8. We really enjoyed trying to code instructions for the mouse to get to the cheese.

June 2022 - Art

This week we have been learning about plants in Science. We decided to use this knowledge within our Art lesson. We learnt about sketching and different grades of pencils. We then had a go at sketching a flower or plant, focusing on details. The adults were so impressed with how much care and attention the children took. Some children even went to see Mrs Wilkins (our art expert)!

May 2022 - Science

For the last four weeks, we have been completing an investigation in our Science lessons. We planted four sunflower seeds under four different conditions: sun and water, sun and no water, water and no sun and one with no sun or water. We made predictions, thinking about which ones we thought would grow and the reasons why. We have been measuring the sunflowers each week. At the end of our investigation, we found that the sunflowers with no sun and water and no water did not grow. The one with just water grew quickly but soon died when it did not find sunlight. Finally, we predicted correctly that the one with sun and water grew the best.



April 2022 - Science

Our Science topic this term focusses on planting and growing. This week we began our experiment to see how plants grow the best. We planted four sunflower seeds and we are keeping them in different conditions: sun and water, sun and no water, water and no sun and finally no water or no sun. We made predictions on how we thought the plants would grow and also planted our own sunflowers.


April 2022 -PE

We are very lucky this term to have Mr Wilson from Carre's Outreach teaching us PE this term. This week's focus was on team work, such an important skill to learn not only for sports but for everything at school and at home. Understanding team work will help us later in the term as we begin to learn some new small sided games.


Spring Term - Castles

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you are ready for the challenges of the new term. Our topic this term is Castles, click the link below to see what we will be getting up to:

Curriculum Newsletter 

March 2022 - Art

This term in Art we have been looking at the artist Paul Klee. We looked at some of his work and then explored the skills of tinting and toning. Finally, we used the skills we have learnt to create our own version of 'Castle in the Sun'.


March 2022 - Castles Day

This week, Year 1 and 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from DanTastic Education. We had a Knights and Castles workshop and spent the day dressed as people from medieval times. We had the best day.



March 2022 - Castles Homework

The children in Lincoln class were set the task to find out about a castle in the UK. The children blew the adults away with the time and effort they put into their homework. We had videos, models and presentations which the children shared with their peers. Below are just a few examples of their amazing work:



March 2022 - Tractor Visit

York and Lincoln classes were very lucky this week to have a visit from a tractor from Heckington. We loved finding out about farming and especially loved getting to sit in the driving seat!


February 2022 - Music

We are very lucky this term to have Miss Rogers from Lincs Music Service teaching us Music this term. We loved our first session!


February 2022 - Art

In Art this term, we have been looking at paintings by the artist Paul Klee. We have also been talking about primary and secondary colours. Our first task was to 'tint' primary and secondary colours by adding white. Below you can see what a great job we did! 


February 2022 - Subject Revolution

On Friday 4th February we had a Maths focus day, this was part of the NSPCC Number day.  We were so lucky have Subject Revolution(https://www.subjectrevolution.co.uk)   in school to help us celebrate all things MATHEMATICAL!  They provided us with an exciting, modern, interactive and hands-on educational Mathematics experience for us all. 

In KS1 we were helping Prince Lumino who had been left in charge of Mathania and he was in big trouble.  Lumino needed help.  We had to work in teams and travel around the amazing new world created in our hall. We worked together in practical maths challenges to save our hapless hero.  We had to mend, build, fish, repair, sort, stack and even throw our way to success through this hands-on maths adventure. 

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
 12 13  14

January 2022 - Computing

We are really enjoying our Purple Mash Computing lessons. Today, we started our first lesson in the Unit 'Lego Builders'. To our surprise, our first lesson did not involve using the computers! We found out all about how computer work, discussed the term 'algorithm' and talked about how this linked to the computers. We were tasked to follow a set of instructions to make a lego robot, our next steps will be to do something similiar on the computers.


January 2022- English

This week we have been finding out about instruction writing. We discovered the purpose of instructions and how they needed to be followed in order. The children were then tasked to follow a set of instructions with the aim of following them as accurately as they could. They did a brilliant job as you can see! Learning all about instructions is going to help us write our own instructions about our class dragon.


January 2022 - DT

Our DT focus this term is winding mechanisms. We discussed what they were and how they worked. The children were then tasked with creating their own using a pencil, string and a picture of a knight. They did a fantastic job and this learning will lead into creating a winding drawbridge.


January 2022 - English

A mysterious egg landed in our classroom over the Christmas holidays. Last week it hatched whilst we were at playtime. We searched the school to find evidence of where it had gone and used the 'CCTV' pictures to discover it was a dragon! We have created wanted posters in search of our class dragon, please let us know if you see him!